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Einblicke in die Arbeit des südafrikanischen Autors Shasha Seakamela

Der südafrikanische Autor Shasha Seakamela war am 1. April 2016 wieder zu Gast am Wilhelm-Gymnasium und gab den Schülerinnen und Schülern der Jahrgänge 6 und 7 einen Einblick in die Arbeit eines Schriftstellers.

Shasha Seakamela is a 38-year-old author from a little village in South Africa. He speaks Sotho, his mother tongue, and English. On April 1st, he went to our form and told us what it is like be a writer. Shasha Seakamela founded the organisation Rural in the Citi (RITC), which works hard to promote the work and the talent of rural artists.

He started writing when he was twelve years old, because in his little village in South Africa he had nothing to do, so he started to write stories about animals. He still gets inspired by his memories of his childhood and writes whereever and whenever he can.

At school, he was good at maths so his brother told him he could become an engineer. After high school, he worked in a factory but he didn’t enjoy it so he quit and studied arts, English and politics in Cape Town.

He read a story to us which he wrote for his niece Nélia. It is about a hippo which has always wanted to make music and suddenly meets musicians and joins them. We like it a lot and really recommend his stories to little children.

It was great to have him here because we have learned a lot about writing books and what is important for authors. We hope he will join us again!

Emilia, Tizi, Ben Jakob, 7b

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